The ENVIRONMENTAL WOMEN CORPORATION is a non-profit environmental organization in Colombia, made up of 8 women committed to the conservation of biodiversity and the fight against climate change, with a gender approach.

Our objective is to lead and promote the conservation of biodiversity and the mitigation of climate change in Colombia, empowering women and generating a positive impact on the sustainable development of the country.

We implement comprehensive conservation, ecosystem restoration, climate change mitigation, environmental education and empowerment programs for women leaders in rural communities.

We have protected and restored more than 100,000 hectares of critical ecosystems, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% in specific regions. In addition, we have empowered more than 5,000 women leaders.

If you would like to join as a volunteer, you can fill out the volunteer form on our website and share your skills and availability. We will contact you when opportunities become available.

You can make a secure donation through our website using different payment methods. All donations contribute directly to our environmental and empowerment projects.

At WOMEN’S ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION, we are committed to transparency and accountability. We publish annual and financial reports so our donors can see how their contributions are being used.

We are currently working on native forest restoration projects in the Colombian Amazon region and promoting sustainable practices in farming communities.

Our operations cover various regions of Colombia, with a focus on areas of high biodiversity and vulnerable communities.

We empower women through leadership programs, training on environmental issues, access to educational opportunities, and promoting their active participation in local decision-making.

At CORPORACIÓN ENVIRONMENTAL WOMEN, we promote an inclusive culture and gender equality, guaranteeing the equal representation of women in leadership positions and participation in projects.

Stay updated by regularly visiting our “Events” section on the website and following us on our social networks. There we publish information about our activities and events.