The “Guardians of the Siluriformes: Protecting Aquatic Biodiversity in the Emberá Chocó Territory” program is a comprehensive conservation initiative led by the Emberá indigenous community in collaboration with the University of Chocó. With a duration of ten years (2022-2032), its objective is the protection and preservation of seven fish species of the Siluriformes order, classified as Critically Endangered and Endangered according to the IUCN Global Red List. The area of action covers 9,800 hectares within the indigenous territory, located in the Department of Chocó, Colombia. The program focuses on addressing three main threats facing these fish: illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, illegal trafficking of exotic fish destined for Asian markets (China), and habitat destruction due to the contamination of waterways with agrochemicals. and residual sedimentation from agricultural activities. The program’s technical approach is based on sound scientific research, using extensive surveys to understand the habitats, behaviors, and specific conservation needs of each target species. Periodic monitoring of the populations and distribution of endangered fish will allow evaluating the effectiveness of the strategies implemented.
Protected areas and biological corridors will be established that include critical habitats for each species. In addition, restoration and reforestation programs will be implemented in areas affected by degradation and contamination. The creation of a community ecological reserve with an indigenous focus will guarantee the long-term protection of fish and their habitats.
Education and awareness will play a key role in the success of the programme. Specific workshops and training will be held for the Emberá indigenous community, with the aim of actively involving them in conservation tasks. The participation of community leaders and conservation experts will also be promoted to impart knowledge and encourage dialogue on sustainable practices.
To achieve the sustainability of the program, a solid alliance between the indigenous community, the University of Chocó and other institutions will be promoted. Sustainable economic activities, such as responsible ecotourism, will be sought to generate alternative income that contributes to conservation.
Communication will play a vital role in disseminating advances and achievements in conservation. A communication strategy will be designed that reaches both the local community and a broader public, informing about the importance of protecting these fish and their habitat.
The success of the program will be evaluated through periodic evaluations and adjustments will be made according to the results obtained and the needs identified during implementation. Collaboration with the Emberá community, the University of Chocó and other institutions will make it possible to obtain accurate data and establish a conservation plan adapted to changing circumstances. In summary, “Guardians of the Siluriformes: Protecting Aquatic Biodiversity in the Emberá Chocó Territory” is an ambitious program that seeks to ensure the survival of seven endangered Siluriformes fish species in the Department of Chocó, Colombia. With a technical approach, concrete actions, and a comprehensive strategy, this program is expected to be an exemplary conservation model that involves the indigenous community and will contribute to the preservation of the region’s rich aquatic biodiversity.